hi everyone Peter here I want to talk to
you today about getting your sales de
set up and successful and i'm going to
give you eight tips aight rules call it
what you will but eight disciplines that
you should be following in order to make
that day as productive as it can
possibly be the first of those rules is
get a good night's sleep I know for many
of you that might be easier said than
done but the fact of the matter is is
that your day in that day you must be in
the moment and that means being in what
is known as present time and we all know
that feeling of not getting enough sleep
and just like not getting enough food
and in feeling your thoughts you know
moving to other things you know your
attention going in other things other
than your prospects and how you can make
this day as productive as it can
possibly be on another note on that same
subject of getting a good night's sleep
and when I talk about a good night's
sleep but it might be eight hours for
you that might be the the perfect amount
for me six hours at the very most
sometimes it's five hours from me and
the older I've gotten the less sleep I
seem to need so it's different for
everyone Zig Ziglar once said in a great
tape I listen to this years ago and he
equated great salespeople to race horses
and he said look how do you have the
race horses going from bar into barn at
late at night those race horses need to
be rested they need to be ready to go
the next day and everything is focused
on on their physical well-being so
that's number one number two food
exercise and energy and the energy that
comes from that I'll be the first to
admit i'm not a big exercise guy but i
love to walk you know i'm moving all day
long there's a lot of activity that goes
on in my life for some of you that might
mean getting to the gym two or three
four times a week great if that's the
case and but having the proper amount of
food is paramount what i've learned to
do particularly since I go into so many
senses and work in those businesses I
will bring energy bars with me I might
bring nuts I might bring things that
will build my energy and keep me going
I've even learned now to get my little
cans of expresso coffee one of my
favorite treats now just for those those
three o'clock in the afternoon treat
stick to keep me going for the rest of
the day so remember within that time
frame whether it be eight hours or 10
years 10 hours your energy needs to be
running at full tilt number three and
this is a tip and I really recommend
this and that is start your day early
rolling into your office at nine o'clock
or 930 might be okay if you work a later
shift and a lot of the people you're
talking to you can't talk until two
later on in the evening that's
completely different and but I do
believe in getting an early start to the
day I think that preparation is vital
when it comes to looking today for
prospects following up with prospects
making sure that I'm organized and
getting into the office too late the day
is gone you know most of the American
business world and I'm talking here in
the US the American business world that
I know of starts early and if that's the
case be focused on and be ready for it
and in those that early period of time
whether it's a period of reflection
while you hid your desk you're about to
look at and who you're working on for
that day you might be looking at
prospects that are in progress that are
in the pipeline that you're working on
regardless get an early start and you'll
find yourself becoming that much more
productive during the daytime number
four and it Strange's the sounds it
Dress for Success dress well learn to
dress well and at the very least if
you're going to your office and there is
a possibility of you going out to visit
a client at least bring your maybe your
jacket your suit your shirt tie and but
I will tell you this I remember many
years ago when i was in my franchising
days of selling franchises and our
franchise is at that time could be home
based you could either run at home based
or you could run it in
office space and I remember my own
viewpoint when I first got into the
business is this is back in the early
90s and I love the fact after coming out
of another industry that I could get up
in the morning drink my coffee and wear
my pajamas while I was on the telephone
or while I was starting the day going
and guess what it didn't work it didn't
work for me because you know generally
I'll wear my pajamas on a weekend
morning I may be a Sunday morning when
I'm reading the Sunday paper but get out
of that habit when it comes to selling
look the part feel the part even if
you're working out of your home at least
dress in such a way that you feel better
because for many people and I do believe
it dressing better makes you feel better
and if you feel better you're going to
smile on the phone and you're going to
put more attention into your day and put
more attention on on how you look and
how you're perceived it's a habit that
for some people might be hard to break
but believe me once you get into doing
it one once you get into actually
deciding that you're going to look that
much better you will start feeling that
much better number five make a decision
for the day this is this is now that
you've had your good night's sleep now
that you've had some a good breakfast
now that you've you've gotten some food
there now that you are ready to go you
look the part you're you're it's early
in the morning now make that decision
for the day and for some of you it might
come when you first get out of bed and
what do I mean by that decision it's how
the day is going to happen remember
folks this is this is really vitally
important for salespeople you are not
like other people you're not look around
the the the businesses that you work in
look at those people that have decided
to work in administration their world is
very different from yours you make the
day you create the day the day is there
for the taking you either decide to make
it happen or you don't that old saying
of you get what you wish for it's
extremely relevant it is very true you
would you wish for and I think that's
what separates sales people there
optimist at heart the glass is always
half full you know their their risk
takers to a certain degree they go out
on a limb they have decided many of them
that the most money they could possibly
make within a 40 or 50 hour week is
money they create don't limit me don't
give me an hourly wage don't give me a
salary that I'm I'm obligated to
regardless of the effort that I put in
give me the opportunity and I'm talking
as a sales person here give me the
opportunity to to outpace everyone else
in this company and all I'm looking for
is is is a is a product and our service
that I can feel great about I want to go
out and I want to make it happen that
was number five Number six put a daily
plan together the daily plan being a
to-do list what you're going to achieve
that day some of the most successful
people i know our list makers they'll
commit at the beginning of every day and
they will write down 15 2020 objectives
for that day I need to call this guy I
need to call that guy I need to do this
I need to do that you might even set it
up where you have business on one side
of your page and some personal items
that you need to get out of the way on
the other side of the page regardless
you will be amazed at how better you
feel when you put a line through it
saying it's done you know we
accomplished so much by getting things
done put the list together make it a
ritual every single day call it a battle
plan call it a to-do list you would be
amazed at how even with administrative
personnel you will and me again coming
into businesses working within
businesses where I might ask somebody
what's on your lineup for today and they
go well I'm thinking of doing this and
I'm hoping to do this and I'm great put
it in writing put a list make the list
and make it happen you can make that for
the week at the end of a week so here
your week has ended you can battle plan
out what your next week is going to be
the amount of money you want to make the
the how you're going to make in and
that's incredibly important
is how you're going to make it and we'll
get to that in a second but just that
list of to do's list of all the items I
want to achieve today really invaluable
now we get to number 7 and number 7
aligns itself with the the battle plan
but that is my my daily target you know
a target a definition of a target is a
goal to be achieved so what is that
target for you if if you're selling a
five-thousand-dollar product is it to
for the day is that what you would set
up to to sell for the day what is that
daily target put it there make it visual
put it above your computer put it in
front of you imprint it into your brain
whatever it is that you decide to do
just make it real and make it visual in
in part of that targeting and this is
this is really important to look at what
you plan to achieve today as different
from the pipeline sales prospects that
are are in progress those two have a
value assigned to them so let me give
you an example will take the will take
the five thousand dollar product and
will assume that what we want to do
today is we want to sell two of those
just for today and that's part of my
plan for the week of 10 sales my target
for the week of 10 sales well don't
forget that I still have a group of
people that I have been working with
that are in progress we could call those
hots H OTS and that's your hot target
you're in progress target that might be
six people eight people that you have
been in communication with over the last
week you've sent them information you're
following up well those six people x
5000 would be a thirty thousand dollar
target so my target for today might be
too close two or three of those six and
sell one more or two more of my daily
target my new people the new prospects
that I'm going after I hope that makes
sense your current people that you're
prospecting and going after today
and the people that are in progress
together there is a target all those
targets hi yes they should be high never
settle for a small target if you want to
generate thirty thousand dollars in a
week in sales I would advise you to
probably put a target of 50,000 out
there and go for 50,000 do what's
necessary to get to 50,000 and you will
more than likely get into the habit of
settling for 30,000 before you know it
you'll have increased at the 35,000 and
40,000 but those are targets you have to
create for yourself and lastly knowing
this is vitally important energy this is
what we do we generate energy we push
energy outwards how do we do that we do
it through telephone calls we do it
through emails we do it through
networking we do it through meeting
people we do it through simply getting
in front of prospects that we want to
sell our product or service to think of
it as outflow think of it as outgoing
energy energy is probably the best word
you can put on it really take a look at
your energy level how many people how
much enter did you energy did you direct
out today or yesterday remember what I
generated in energy three weeks ago will
start to come back to me today and what
I did two weeks ago we'll come back to
me today and tomorrow and into next week
so if I'm sending out for example you
might be sending out postcards to
prospects you might be sending out email
blasts to prospects that energy has to
be constant you can't let up on it and
sales books that I that I read talk
about how selling is a seven-day-a-week
business it is welcome to sales you are
constantly looking for new prospects
you're constantly introducing yourself
you're constantly looking for for new
avenues you might be sitting waiting for
your car to be washed and looking at a
at a journal or an online with your with
your iphone or your smartphone looking
at industry specifics industry and
magazines that
about new avenues that might open up for
you that's life as a top salesperson
start to love it start to enjoy it start
to put these eight steps in these eight
daily disciplines in and I guarantee you
particularly with emphasis on the last
the amount of energy going out but if
you can put those together you'll neva
tily will increase sales you'll
inevitably get into the habit of being
more productive because our days are
limited if i'm up at six in the morning
and i'm at my office which i generally
am around seven o'clock or 730 that day
doesn't end for me until six o'clock or
630 or seven o'clock at the end of that
day when I come home and I've only got a
few hours to enjoy my home life when I
do that and that's fine with me I just
want to get as much out of that 12-hour
day that 10 hour day that eight hour day
of that's your day make it happen
remember you make the day the day
doesn't make you thanks so much and I'll
see you in the next day