These resolutions deal in the area of your happiness, which is directly tied to your level of communication, knowledge, and production.
Let’s start with communication. This is especially relevant because, in 2020, we were prevented from communicating in many ways. In-person meetings were prohibited. Dining out could not happen, which meant business lunches and dinners did not occur. Live presentations, which were the bread-and-butter of some businesses, could not be done.
Even though we could still reach out through virtual meetings, social media, and email, many people still felt stifled by all the restrictions and for that reason cut back on their own communication.
Reaching Out
Because we have been prevented from communicating, or because you may have restricted yourself, your prospects and clients may not have heard from you or may not have heard from you enough. As one New Year’s resolution, then, let us go ahead and permanently restore communication.
Here is how we are going to do it:
1. To start with, go through your entire contact list.
2. For each of your contacts, note any communication that has not quite been completed. This could include unanswered emails, “thank you” owed to people for orders or things they have done for you, or any other kind of message you still owe someone.
2. For each of your contacts, note any communication that has not quite been completed. This could include unanswered emails, “thank you” owed to people for orders or things they have done for you, or any other kind of message you still owe someone.
Leaving 2020 Behind
As you go through this exercise, you will probably experience relief, as it is quite therapeutic. But beyond that, you will not be dragging these unfinished bits of communication into the new year. These kinds of things tend to distract you and hold you back when you are reaching out with new communication. Let’s go ahead and deal with them so they don’t do that—and let’s leave 2020 back in the past, where it belongs.
Maintain It!
So that you will not experience a “Groundhog Day” and have to repeat this exercise next January, make up your mind to maintain those relationships throughout the year.
Establish regular routines of going back through your contact list, and regularly reach out to your prospects and customers. Remember, they get busy, too, and might forget to reach out to you, or not feel they have a reason to. Besides, they are YOUR prospects and customers, which makes you ultimately responsible for maintaining those relationships.
Along with keeping your business going, keeping that communication alive has a correlation to your own personal happiness.