How do you finish a year strong, if that year never really started in the first place?
In our blogs and articles for this month, we have brought up several ways to finish the year on an up note business-wise:
• Don’t get caught up in all the misinformation out there. Instead of buying into all the bad news, just keep going. Do the standard things that normally bring your company business. Certainly, take it to a whole new level, but make sure your company is doing the things that made it successful in the first place.
• Estimate the actual quantity of activity needed to meet and exceed previous business levels. Or, put another way, do not underestimate what it will take to come back from covid19.
• Don’t play “The Waiting Game,” hoping that leaders or somebody somewhere will bring us back to a normal business climate. While you cannot control the lockdown, look to the things you can control—marketing, sales, and customer service. Do a spectacular job with each of them.
• Ride the holiday wave, instead of trying to fight it. Disagree with the idea that “business is always slow during the holidays.” Instead, tie your product or service in with the holidays.
In looking back over the year and looking forward to the end of the year and even into 2021, we have had to face down many challenges, and we will have to face down more.
As we have discussed in our recent articles, it does not look like things will get back to normal anytime soon. We are all going to have to continue to put in an effort that is well above average.
Now, let us take a step back. What about you? What kind of toll has dealing with all these issues and problems taken on you? And how difficult will it be facing up to the near future? How difficult will it be to keep everything going?
While you are doing your level best to keep your businesses surviving and succeeding, take time for yourself.
What do you really like to do? Go out hiking? Playing some kind of sport? Curling up with a good book? Perhaps you have been thinking about learning to draw or even organizing your life better.
Whatever you enjoy doing, take some time to do it. Spend time with your family. Take some family outings or even (heaven forbid!) a vacation. If you have children, they will certainly thank you for that.
We have managed to work semi-vacations in with business trips in the Terrenzi household, and these have certainly contributed to keeping us happy and positive.
The idea is to get yourself into a condition in which you are keeping yourself upbeat. Doing so will allow you to do an even better job of accomplishing everything we are talking about in this newsletter.
If you do not feel good, you will not have an easy time wrapping up the year. But while it may not be easy, keeping yourself happy will certainly make for a smoother ride.