You make money to the degree that you can attract attention to your product or service. You attract attention to the degree you communicate outward, in an ever-widening sphere. Communicate as far as you possibly can…and then keep going.
Many social media experts talk about “putting yourself where your prospect is going to be.” By that, they mean putting yourself on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or wherever your prospect might be seeking out a product or service such as yours. This includes SEO activities to make yourself more visible in Google searches.
You can extend this advice to “putting yourself where your prospect is going to be” in the physical sense, too. Join your local Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, Rotary Club, or other organizations where you might find prospects. Go to as many networking events as possible.
It’s really a super-basic concept, but a vital one: prospects can’t come to you unless they know you’re there. Whether you’re there virtually or physically, if you’re going to sell to potential prospects, you must put as many “contact points” out there as possible for them to run across. Ideally, you’d want to be anywhere that a prospect would come looking for your type of product or service.
Once you’ve attracted prospects’ attention, it’s up to you to sell your product or service and yourself as the expert.
We’ll also point out that in today’s digital world, where everything is online, personal contact can make a big difference because it’s actually becoming rarer. You might want to make a larger part of your “communicating far and wide” to show up in person! Or schedule actual meetings. Personal contact creates rapport like nothing else.
Do it every way you possibly can: communicate far and wide!