The theme of this month’s Sales CPR Newsletter, and for our blogs this month, is “Are You Waiting for Things to Get Better?” Right now that seems to be the main theme for just about everything going on around us. We have a new presidential administration—and we are waiting to see if they change things.
Some are waiting to see if the stock market settles out because we have a new administration. And many of us are waiting to see if this pandemic is ever going to ease up and if we will see brighter days again.
It has been said that “Good things come to those who wait.” But the actual fact of the matter is, good things come to those who go out and make them happen.
In this month’s blogs, we will be covering various stages of waiting. We will discuss waiting for prospects to change their minds. We will cover waiting for prospects to call you back. We will go over waiting for sales to close someday. And we will talk about the subject of sales inactivity in general.
As you are reading these articles—and perhaps shuddering because you see some shade of yourself or your company in one or another of them—you might want to keep this at the back of your mind: the ultimate solution to all these problems, for yourself and others, is training. We are providing immediate solutions for all these issues, but in the long run, if you really do not want to see them anymore, get trained.
The work environment has certainly changed. Most of us are working from home, and some have spare time they did not have before. Take some of that time to improve your skills through training, reading, and obtaining more knowledge. Instead of falling into the pattern of too many people at the present and simply waiting, get into action. Start training.
Training is a vital part of maintaining and increasing your success as a salesperson. Many times, because we are so busy, we will say things like, “Well someday I’m going to train. Yup, going to get to it at some point. Next year, I’m going to get right on it.” The fact is, there is no time like the present. Now is the time.
Sales CPR, which is what we are applying to all the issues this month in various ways, is based largely on the sales process. Every company has one. Sales training should consist of learning the sales process cold and learning how to apply it so you can smoothly and flawlessly bring a prospect through it. Any failed close is hung up at one or another stage of that sales process. Learning the sales process will keep that from happening.
Sales training at SELLability also includes mastering the 8 core abilities of sales, which will result in a real sales professional. We can pretty much guarantee that “waiting” will no longer be part of that professional’s operation—it will all be action.
Let that action begin now. Get trained!