The Best Career That Nobody Admits They Do…

by the SELLability team

If I told you that you could have a career that has the following benefits would you be interested?

  • Rewards your production so if you produce more you automatically get paid more.
  • It allows you to travel with all expenses paid.
  • You get to meet people from all over the world, all cultures and learn from their experiences.
  • You build life-long friendships.
  • People are interested in your opinions.
  • You have the freedom to create your future without limitations.
  • If you are good at this career, you are needed in every company in the world large or small.
  • You are not normally required to have a University Degree to be hired for this career.

Would you be surprised if I told you that the Career was as a Salesperson?

History of Sales:

Most people agree that the historical reputation of Salespeople is not very good. In fact, most people will not admit that they are a “Salesperson” because of this bad history. Look up the word “Sell” in the Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. You will find definitions like: “To Betray or to give up into Slavery”. Most of the definitions, you would not want to be part of for sure. If you are in Sales, your business card does not likely list you as “Salesman” or “Salesperson” or “Sales Representative”. Most companies act like you need to “sneak up on the customer” under another identity. These include “Account Executive, Consultant, Customer Service Representative, and many others.” My favorite is “Project Manager”. Reality is that most every business professional is a Sales Person.

Sales as a great career in spite of poor history:

Sales are a great career with all of the benefits listed above. It is a proud career and one that will last for a lifetime with room for continuous growth. IF IT IS DONE WELL. If done poorly, Sales is a very tough career with many failures. The Good News is that “Great Sales People aren’t born, they’re trained”™

Why do we need great Sales People?

The buying process is not logical; it is emotional and not rational. If the buying process was logical, there would be no need for Sales People, instead, you would just have someone to take your order. For example, have you ever thought about buying a product for a long time? Like a larger purchase, Car, Electronics, Cell Phone, etc… You do your research, check it out on the internet, talk to your friends who have the product and then after 6 months or so you now decide to get this product. So you arrive at the store and then the salesperson walks toward you and you start to have thoughts as to why you should not get the product today. The salesperson asks “Can I help you?” you always say “no thanks, just looking around”. (This is not true or logical and based on the fact you have researched the item for 6 months, this can be considered irrational) Note: If the salesperson is good and takes care of you, you will buy the product today. If the salesperson is bad, you may walk out of that store and not buy the product. The problem is that by the time you get back out to your car, you now want to buy the product again. So you end up at a different store and buy the product there. Is this logical? That is why we need great salespeople.

Why are Sales People in demand?

It is the number one job companies search to hire for. There is a consistent search for good sales talent all over the world. Unfortunately, the sales career has a very high turnover rate so companies must continually search for new salespeople. Most companies will tell you that roughly 80% of their sales are produced by the top 20% of the sales team. Most companies believe there is no solution to this problem and they continually search for good salespeople. That is because Sales is not treated as a profession and traditional sales training programs have not been effective. This lack of professionalism continues to promote the bad history of Sales as described earlier in this article.

What is the Solution?

There is a new cutting edge technology on the market called “Core Ability Sales Training”™ or “CAST”™. This new technology isolates the 8 Core, fundamental abilities that every successful salesperson has. Each salesperson is tested on those 8 Core Abilities and provided with a personalized program to continually improve and maintain those abilities. The graduates of “Core Ability Sales Training”™ report continuous improvement of their Sales Skills and the ability to maintain their skills in any economy. We invite you to take the “Sales Skills Assessment Test”™ today! If you are a Sales Manager, get your entire team to take the test

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