hi everyone my name is Peter I'm a Cell
ability i'd like to welcome you to
today's webcast video and i'm here in
our offices in glendale just remember
that I during this whole process you
might see me look down here at my notes
I hope you can bear with me on that it's
a good 15-20 minutes as we delve into
this subject and what we're going to
talk about today is we're going to talk
about an interesting subject at the
80-20 law and whether that's fact or
fiction and this 8020 law has been
around for a long time in particularly
in sales generally what it's referring
to is that eighty percent of production
eighty percent of productivity comes
from a smaller group within the sales
force say twenty percent so in a sales
force of ten people you might have two
possibly three people it's not always an
exact number that are doing the vast
amount of production and is the law
across the board and many other subjects
and many other businesses it absolutely
is for example you'll find that in a
restaurant that generally sixty seventy
eighty percent of what comes out of the
kitchen comes from a small portion of
the menu believe it or not you know that
teaches you if you know the business
well enough not to go into a restaurant
and look and choose a dish that may not
have been ordered by very many other
people over the last couple of weeks you
may not be getting the freshest food in
other areas take for example a casino
well we all know that if we go to Las
Vegas tomorrow we're going to be seeing
those huge buildings but those huge
buildings are generally the rooms
believe me that's not what they're
making their profit they're making their
profit from twenty percent of the floor
space which is the gambling tables and
the high rollers and those people that
are betting money most of those rooms
are sold it at cost or maybe even at a
loss to keep people there so is it real
it definitely is real but sales people
aren't casinos and sales people aren't
men use their real living breathing
individuals and as I address sales
managers in this particular video and
and hopefully you as a salesperson is
watching two and I want
to be able to pick up some some tips
from this video I have to believe and I
truly believe that the lower mid tier or
the lower group of people can achieve
what those top producers are able to do
those top producers had to start
somewhere are their intrinsic things
that those top producers bring yes in
many cases they have a stronger drive
they they and their ambition is is
paramount egos are very strong
motivations towards being on the stage
and accepting the salesperson of the
year that's wonderful but raising
production from that mid to lower core
group is what I want to talk about today
so what we'd like to do is I'd like to
break it into three parts I'd like to
talk about this tiered group of being
the top producers here which makes up
for twenty thirty percent the the mid
core group which may be fifty to sixty
percent and that lower tier that tier
see for example group that the lowest
producing individuals within the sales
organization which unfortunately find
themselves churned out or turned over by
sales management let's be honest sales
isn't for everyone it's a productivity
game it's what you can produce it's what
you can go out there and make and create
and if you're not able to do that then
maybe sells isn't for you so anyway this
is an exercise that I want to address
towards sales managers and it's built
around trying to and accommodate and and
change the fortunes of that mid core
group the core group that that we at
sell ability believe and are going to be
able to move up to those higher tiers so
step number one and this exercise would
be finding out clearly what that top
tier what that top group is doing what
are they doing in the field what are
they doing in there their personal lines
what are they doing what's the common
traits that those people bring do they
run more appointments are they are they
working hard are they coming in earlier
maybe they're leaving longer and maybe
it's exactly the opposite sometimes the
core producers that the top tier don't
work as many hours and don't have to
work as many hours as the people below
them maybe
they're better at creating relationships
maybe they're better at at closing the
deal whatever it is make a list don't
just listen to what they tell you really
go and look for yourself and find out
what that is find out what that success
pattern is and compare that success
pattern to the group the group the lower
tiers the tier be and the TRC people and
make the list look at intangibles look
at drive and ambition and here's an
ironic thing about drive and ambition
and I know because I was there generally
what you're going to find is that at the
end of the week at the end of the month
if I have applied myself let's say for
example which I did I started off in
that mid core group of salespeople I
learned how to rise at the top and my
career but let's say for example that
that individual sitting in the mid core
area decides to apply himself as given
the correct training is taught all those
things that we believe sell ability
brings you're going to find that drive
and ambition which is intrinsic in the
top group is going to be instilled why
because he's starting to produce more
the more sales he starts to make the
more confidence he regains the better he
feels about his process the better he
feels about his his odds of making the
sale so productivity is a fire that
generates and pushes them up that ladder
so keep that in mind that anybody with
the right training can get to that top
tier so also when your salespeople fail
it's because they're not following or
applying the same pattern for success so
what you're going to be doing is after
you make this list after you break it
down and what your core people the top
tier are doing you're going to start to
realize that many of those fundamentals
that they use the top tier group is not
being done by the mid core group for
example they don't understand that
selling as a technology they don't have
a sales process that they follow there's
certainly not disciplined to the degree
that the top producing people are and
that sales technology and understand
that to some of the analogies I've used
in earlier videos were out videos where
I talk about dentists and and how a
professional how an engineer how an
architect knows where to start and where
to follow the process it's a step by
step discipline process where you are
going to find those professionals follow
it religiously they don't deviate from
it they know that that before they get
to see there had to be a and B so they
also for example in these are some of
the traits of those / sales people they
don't understand for example that those
barriers to the sale are inevitably
going to come to them so they're not as
well prepared for example in
understanding features they're not at
all am aware of benefits and how
features relate to benefits and and
understanding for example the
fundamentals of the product as you start
to interview them you're going to find
that there are things that they should
be doing that they aren't so again
you've got this this list of things that
the successful people are doing and
you're going to compare it to the things
that you're mid-core or lower people
certainly aren't doing so how do you
increase sales dramatically within an
organization number one find out what
those successful actions are from the
elite group and is it just because
they're working harder is it because
they're working smarter and understand
that the top group are following a
pattern for success one of the
unfortunate aspects of weaker sales
people and it's applies to any
profession is they certainly don't
invest in themselves they don't invest
in themselves from the fact that good
sales reps are reading books on sales
there they're going to workshops they're
going to seminars there's a thirst for
knowledge and some of those weaker sales
people avoid it for some reason and
generally they're avoiding it because
they've had failures well your job as a
sales managers to help them get
successes and put them on the right
track so employing good sales tools such
as as going into the presentation and
making sure that there's something to
help them for example white papers
success stories testimonials from happy
customers are they relying on talk
they relying on verbal communication
alone are they really using collateral
of a really using tools that help make
the case for their product that may not
be there your top people may be using
those much more effectively if that's
the case put it into the to the mid and
lower court people the ability to stay
focused and spend time to make sure that
each sale actually gets to to a close
essentially your ability to work closely
with the top people really get those
core fundamentals down that they're
doing move it into the realm of the mid
and lower core and instill it and drill
it and make sure that it happens is
inevitably going to be able to raise
sales so anyway look for a consistent
pattern from the top salespeople once
you have this pattern well documented
get the rest of the team to study
understand it and then start drilling in
start role-playing most of the companies
that I go into most of the companies
that I visit out in the field do not
spend enough time drilling in
role-playing am salesperson prospect
going through the motions going through
that the barriers being able to in what
they call overcome objections well I I
tend to think of it as understanding the
emotional and resistance is going to
happen and being able to guide the
prospect through one and get them to be
in communication and every cell is
different circumstances so it's
essential to be able to overcome all of
these objections and you do that through
drilling drill drill and drill again if
you as a sales manager simply put into
effect a program within your
organization that drilled even on a
daily basis particularly their sales
people in the office think of this every
morning for example before the day
starts you were able to take off and
partition part of your sales team on a
Monday for example in the odd days those
sales people within the group are
drilling the next day you've got another
group drilling so every other day you
have drills consistently instilling
successful actions in those sales people
anyway what will happen is inevitably
those weaker sales people through
through being able to go over
the process over and over and over again
become better and better and better at
it it becomes instinctive for them they
don't have to think about it even if it
means putting it in writing if their
phone sales reps for example having it
written in front of them so they they
stick with an understanding of of the
process that they have to follow anyway
so list out for example with hit with
with objections list out a handling for
you each of those objections and get
those objections for example and the
handlings from them from your elite reps
ensure that there's the most effective
handling for each one of those
objections and then also list out a list
of all the sales tools that need to be
used the the collateral that needs to be
used by those sales people in the sales
process and in drill drill and drill and
finally watch them statistically watch
the rise look for and get the sales
person to understand that look last week
you were here the week before you were
there now all of a sudden you're here
the cause and effect of that will go a
dramatically long way get them to
understand that this process this
discipline the tools that are used and
using them over and over and over again
are fundamental to their success
continually drill them if you're able to
do that as a manager and if you're able
to watch this video as a salesperson
understand those core guys those top
producers lots of times it's not
something that cannot be emulated it's
not something that cannot be duplicated
you can duplicate it but you have to
have the attitude and the viewpoint that
you are going to do it and the
discipline to be willing to to spend
part of your day spend part of your week
finding the successful action and
drilling it until you have it down with
the willingness to go out there you will
find yourself producing more succeeding
more and making more money I hope this
video helped we'll look forward to
seeing you in the next video thank you
for watching